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Site Investigation & Testing

Field testing techniques provide essential data to assess ground conditions in detail, identify potential risks, and develop optimal design solutions, ultimately enhancing the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of construction projects.

Conventional Investigation

Conventional in-situ investigation consists of soil sampling and testing, normally at intervals of 1,5m. When rock is encountered, samples are extracted through coring. Information in between samples is interpreted based on geological deposit principles. Even though conventional investigation is limited to sampling and testing at intermittent depths, the information obtained is valuable as it can be correlated with the existing wealth of technical references.

Conventional In-situ Investigation
Conventional In-situ Investigation
Site Investigation samples
Site Investigation samples
Advance Sampling
Advance Sampling
Advance sampling comparision
Advance sampling comparision

Advanced Investigation

Continuous sub-strata sampling through the depths of the investigation is vital for engineering evaluation and design to identify layers of potential concern. Results from conventional sampling may fail to uncover critical information when dealing with multiple closely spaced layers. Maintaining the integrity of identifiable soil layers during sampling in alternating soil and rock deposits is challenging.  Advanced sampling techniques, typical of wire-line continuous coring with inner liners and sonic drilling, becomes essential in revealing complex geological deposit.Highlighting critical layers can significantly influence the overall geotechnical properties of the site.

Advanced In-Situ Testing

Unveiling in-situ soil strength and mapping soil characteristics alongthe continuous depths of the soil stratigraphy is crucial for effective valueengineering. Employing advanced continuous in-situ testing such as Static ConePenetrometer (CPTu), and shear vane and velocity testing (SDMT) at theproject's inception promotes cost-saving measures and ensures optimal designs.

Advance In-situ testing CPT machine
Advance In-situ testing CPT machine
Advance In-situ testing CPT reading monitor
Advance In-situ testing CPT reading monitor
Rock assessment
Rock assessment
Rock assessment of mountain
Rock assessment of mountain

Rock Assessment & Characterization

Assessing rock quality includes sampling, visual mapping, down hole inspection,geophysical analysis, and in-situ/laboratory testing. Our experts will support you by customizing a program for your project's needs.

Geophysical Testing

Geophysical methods such as seismic surveys, MASW, electrical resistivity tomography, GPR, and electromagnetic surveys are used to map subsurface conditions over large surface areas and to detect underground objects appearing as non-homogeneous within a deposit. To further advance studies and optimize design, our team of experts engage geophysical testing to assess dynamic properties and optimize evaluation of engineering characteristics through detailed correlation and laboratory testing. We, at TerraConsult, will combine advanced investigations and Geophysical methods to expose undesired conditions and deliver optimized evaluations and designs that yields cost effective and sustainable projects to you.

Geophysical testing results graph
Geophysical testing results graph
Geophysical testing results
Geophysical testing results

Foundation Design

The selection of foundation type significantly impacts project cost and construction timeline. With over 40+ years of individual experience, we provide value-engineered solutions, integrating insights from optimized site and laboratory testing. Our expertise and support extend beyond designing new foundations that includes evaluating existing ones, their integrity, and assessing foundation performance.

Shallow Foundation

Shallow foundations are cost-effective when the soil has adequate bearing strength. The choice between continuous, isolated, or mat foundations depends on factors like frost, heave, settlement, liquefaction, and hydrogeological conditions. Our engineers offer efficient design recommendations tailored to your project's needs.

Shallow Foundation
Shallow Foundation
Shallow Foundation-2
Shallow Foundation-2

Deep Foundation

Inadequate soil strength requires extending depth of foundation to meet stiffer sub-soil layers that support diverse loading conditions and meet performance requirement. Typical deep foundations are driven piles, bored piles, screwed piles, etc. Piles diameter ranges from micro piles (100 mm) to larger diameters (exceeding 2m) depending on the design requirements.

Deep Foundation
Deep Foundation
Deep foundation-2
Deep foundation-2

Innovative Foundation

TerraConsult’s Innovative design approach addresses the multiple needs of a site efficiently. Our engineers developed solutions reduce cost while covering issues of liquefaction, slope stabilization, compressible soils, uplift loads, and more. Even when emphasizing cost-effective value engineering, our focus remains on delivering safe and successful project outcomes.

Innovative Foundation
Innovative Foundation
Innovative Foundation-2
Innovative Foundation-2

Soil Improvement

In situations where soil demonstrates insufficient strength or experiences loss of stability due to loading conditions such as earthquakes, changes in hydrogeological factors, or inadequate long-term consolidation, intervention becomes necessary to enhance its mechanical properties for project compliance. With over 40+ years of experience in design and construction oversight, our dedicated engineers are committed to providing value-engineered solutions tailored to your project's budget and sustainability goals.

1. Shallow Surface Application

Soil Replacement & Compaction

Soil replacement and compaction, subject to site specifics and soil deposits, is feasible when:

      Weak or low performance soil exists within shallow depths.

      Conventional excavation equipment can be engaged to       execute work.

      Adjacent structures are not impacted by the outcome of       construction activities.

Our engineers develop solutions using advanced engineered backfill that improve soil strengths and performance.

Reinforcing Elements

To enhance soil strength at shallow depths, TerraConsult’s engineers implement soil reinforcing solutions typical of geogrids and other geosynthetics in the design configurations, achieving cost savings and effectively meeting project requirements.

2. Deep Ground intervention

Preloading Technique with Ground Water Control

Enhancing the settlement performance of compressible soil can involve surcharging the construction zone to reach compliance levels for anticipated loads. Accelerating pre-consolidation may involve addressing groundwater conditions.

Surface Dynamic Compaction

TerraConsult will evaluate in-details the depth of weak soil exhibiting potential liquefaction. Subject to depth of soil influenced by weak conditions, our team of engineers would implement most economical solution for your projects. Whether surface dynamic compaction or other potential solution such as reinforcing stone columns, our team will support your project through design, specification, cost-evaluation, construction supervision, implementation of safety measures to safeguard nearby structures, and considering soil type, hydrogeology, and sound/vibration guidelines.

Deep soil compaction & replacement

Addressing poor soil characteristics extending in depths beyond 5m may require direct intervention methods that physically reach the desired depth. Improvement methods may involve vibration to promote soil densification and/or replacement with geometric columns exhibiting stronger properties, boosting soil matrix strength through injection of bonding additives, either cementitious or chemical.

3. Cementation & Chemical Process

Our alternative designs target sub-strata characteristics such as compressibility, compactness, permeability, and mass structure. Our expert team enhances sub-strata performance, whether it's soil or rock formation, using customized innovative methods ensuring project compliance. Methods like pressure injection or deep soil mixing with cementitious or chemical additives are employed for soil improvement. Thorough field control and in-situ testing ensure specification adherence. With our design-build experience, we're dedicated to guiding your project to successful completion.

Slope Stability

Slopes influenced by changing terrain and climate patterns pose risks. Swift action is imperative to mitigate hazards to public and structural safety. Utilizing comprehensive site assessments, testing, and advanced numerical modelling, our experienced team identifies underlying risk factors, address development requirements, and crafts pragmatic, cost-effective solutions. Prioritizing safety and sustainability, we harness local resources where possible to effectively remediate slope stability challenges.

Site Assessment

The first step we take in slope stability studies is observing soil mass movement, understanding topography, and identifying unique site characteristics like soil deposits, water conditions, and terrain changes.

Slope assessment-1
Slope assessment-1
Slope assessment-2
Slope assessment-2
Slope analysis graph-1
Slope analysis graph-1
Slope analysis
Slope analysis

Stability Analysis

Identifying layers of potential concern and ground water condition through the depths of investigation is vital. Strength, permeability characteristics, and thickness of interbedded soil layers influence the to the stability of sloping grounds. Further, fluctuations in underground water conditions are an added factor in the stability of sloping grounds. Our team simulates multiple scenarios of alternating load conditions and climate change to evaluate and predict possible ground movements and destabilization.

Risk Assessment & Evaluation

Our experts conduct comprehensive risk assessment analyses, considering various relevant factors, typical of potential new projects, changing ground topography, climate changes, seismic considerations, and other potential project specific loading conditions to effectively manage risks in alignment with local requirements and guidelines.

Slope evaluation chart-1
Slope evaluation chart-1
Slope evaluation chart-2
Slope evaluation chart-2
Slope remedial solution-1
Slope remedial solution-1
Slope remedial solution-2
Slope remedial solution-2

Remedial Solution

We develop sustainable remedial solutions considering time constraints, constructability with available resources, and cost-effectiveness. Our support includes construction specifications and technical documents.

Geohazard Risk Management

Time sensitivity underscores our approach when dealing with sloping soil failures, rockfalls, compromised foundations, unstable rail tracks, soil erosion, and deep excavations present significant hazards. Our seasoned team, proficient in design and remedial construction, delivers streamlined and secure solutions, prioritizing safety and sustainability in urgent situations.

Slope failure exposing foundation
Slope failure exposing foundation
Slope failure interrupting road
Slope failure interrupting road
Rockfall caused by erosion
Rockfall caused by erosion
Rockfall impact on industrial area
Rockfall impact on industrial area
Rockfall unstable slopes
Rockfall unstable slopes

1. Risk assessment and safety implementation

Our expert team identifies for a specific site the nature of hazards such as landslides, rockfalls, and earthquakes, factoring in geological conditions and human activities. By assessing the risk of recurrence of failure and/or expanding hazardous zones we devise mitigation strategies in collaboration with local authorities to guard public safety.

2. Site Risk Evaluation & Analysis

Risk analysis addresses contributing factors that exacerbate hazardous conditions. Additional factors are evaluated to gauge the sensitivity of stability and potential damage in case of progressive failure.

3. Risk Management Solution and Design supervision

Our experts rigorously analyze factors contributing to identified hazards and associated risks. Leveraging their extensive experience, they craft solutions that effectively mitigate these risks in line with local authority guidelines. We assist the client by developing construction guidelines and specifications, along with implementing a monitoring system to ensure long-term safety and sustainability. Our team remains dedicated to supporting you until project completion.

Soil Liquefaction

A common challenge affecting project cost and causing delays is the potential for liquefiable soil. By segmenting our analytical approach into multiple phases, namely, Assessment, Mode of failure analysis, and value engineered sustainable solutions, we mitigate cost impact and offer practical long-term solutions for project sustainability.


We use advanced field investigative tools and lab testing to optimize our understanding of the depth affected by liquefaction.

In addition to conventional methods to evaluate potential liquefaction,we offer specialized advanced investigative tools and analyses to more accurately and efficiently categorize and identify the extent of potential liquefaction, depths of influence, induced displacement, loss of soil strength,and other factors, potentially decreasing design and project build costs

Liquifaction Assessment
Damage due to slab failure
Damage due to slab failure
Damage due to slab failure
Bridge damage due to foundation failure
Bridge damage due to foundation failure
Bridge damage due to foundation failure

Understanding Mode of failure

Understanding Modes of failure plays a crucial role when seeking cost-effective solutions. Identifying risk levels for human safety and potential damage to service structure is a vital criterion for the design.

Sustainable Solution

Our committed professional team consistently seeks practical, value-engineered, and time-conscious solutions aligning with your guidelines through our design-built expertise

Sustainable Solution

Geo-Structural Systems

Over 35 years of design-built experience dedicated to your project in all phases of design, drawing, reviews, and construction support. By strategically planning, conducting inspections, employing instrumentation monitoring, and adapting in tandem with the construction progress, we ensure safety, uphold design performance standards, and effectively address unforeseen construction challenges.

Deep Excavation

By combing different structural reinforcing elements, geometric shapes and soil arching effects, we deliver efficient solutions validated by our experience and advanced numerical modelling.

Deep Excavation Support
Deep Excavation Support
Deep excavation support anchors and shotcrete
Deep excavation support anchors and shotcrete
Deep excavation in elevated water table
Deep excavation in elevated water table
Soil-Structure Support
Soil-Structure Support
Phase construction assessment
Phase construction assessment

Soil-Structure Support

Implementing innovative design to minimize thickness of the retaining system, thus yielding value-engineered solutions. We optimize development area, minimizing required space for construction, and meet your budget target.


Supporting existing structures while providing lateral support system for deep excavations. Our expert team conducts solution-oriented analysis to ensure safe excavation activities


Numerical Modeling & Analysis

Projects that involve deep excavations, tunnelling, mining, and dam structures, among others, are complex. Detailed planning and computer analysis essential to meet optimize design requirements and safety measures during construction and life span of the planned structures. Further detailed analytical considerations highlights criteria for in-situ monitoring addressing safety and quality of construction. We're dedicated to refining designs, achieving quality standards, and ensuring safety. Engage our team on your project to contribute in achieving cost effective, successful, and zero incident projects.

Ground performance under surcharge loads and water infiltration
Ground performance under surcharge loads and water infiltration
Infrastructure behavior under Cyclic & dynamic loading
Infrastructure behavior under Cyclic & dynamic loading
Ground performance & stresses during tunnel construction
Ground performance & stresses during tunnel construction
Ground performance under concentrated loads in deep excavation
Ground performance under concentrated loads in deep excavation
Open pit stability assessment and and excavation optimization
Open pit stability assessment and and excavation optimization
Stability by soil reinforcement
Stability by soil reinforcement
Design optimization
Design optimization
Ground water impact on retaining system
Ground water impact on retaining system

Ground Performance

- Short term ground movement subjected to seismic or frequent dynamic loading, sudden changes of hydrogeologic conditions, excavation or backfilling condition.

- Long term ground movement due soil strength properties, climatic changes, variation of loading conditions, etc.

Tunneling Behavior

Assessment of stress and strain developing due excavation, changing strata, hydrogeological conditions, dynamic conditions, and construction aspects, establishing key parameters for long and short term safety control.

Mines Operations

Analysis and design of earth structures during the construction phase and operating life cycle, evaluation of mines waste strength, developing innovative concepts for stability and waste management

Foundation Optimization

Assessment of foundation performance subjected to varying influencing conditions.

Geo-Structural Optimization

Integrating a combination of structural elements and evaluating system performance under optimized geometry and loading conditions.

Ground Water Aspects

Evaluating the impact of changes in hydrogeological conditions—whether climatic or man-made—on existing and proposed structures, considering soil parameter.

Waterfront Structure Assessment

Modeling the performance of designed geo-structural elements under hydraulic and other relevant loads from adjacent activities.

Rockfall Stability and Risk Assessment

Modeling potential rockfall modes and impact loads, then assessing design alternatives and cost impacts.

Geotechnical Forensic Evaluation

Developing models to simulate soil and structure behaviour based on field observations and parameter validation. Confirming behaviour or failure by introducing event variables through time-sequence and comparing outcomes with observed details, revealing causes and providing justifications.